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Another challenge and we need a captain / organiser

Fuzz's picture

Only a matter of hours after our intense battle against Di we received a challenge from our good friends Damage Incorporated. After a week of organising the last game I’m gonna pass on taking that roll for this round (not to say I wouldn’t play).

Challenge details are here:

So we need a captain / organiser to take control of this match, create a challenge page, decide out of the 3 times and maps available (or if we have enough players available), accept / decline the challenge, organise a practice match, and captain the actual match. (All the usual stuff). I’ve PM’d and sms’d a few of the captains, but normally I won’t do that since all the captains get the email to notify us of the challenge. Thought I’d write this post this time to make sure everyones, not only captains are aware there’s a challenge. Also if anyone isn’t a captain but would like to captain this match, let me know and I’ll give you captain privs.

Still a few captains that haven’t had a chance to captain – see the table here

If no-ones up for captaining / organising I’ll just decline the match tomorrow morning to avoid a forfeit and possible disqualification (8:50AM Friday is the deadline). Same will apply for future challenges – if I don’t captain it myself, and no-one else takes it on, if I remember and am around at the deadline to do it, I’ll just decline the matches



ltmon's picture

I'm happy to captain, but...

I definately won’t be available on Saturday night. Sunday and Monday aren’t completely in the clear either, but I should be able to make one of them.

How about I start the organising, and pass it off if the consensus is that we play on Saturday night?

Fuzz's picture

cool, sounds like a plan.

cool, sounds like a plan. I’ll give you cap privs now. Just hope there’s someone to pass it to if you can’t make it.

Guess I can close this thread :)

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